Cancellation Policy

We do understand from time to time, that things don’t always work out as planned. You may be running late for an appointment or last-minute changes; mean you cannot attend your appointment. 

Cancellation Fees

To avoid cancelation charges, we politely request all patients give the practice 24 hours notice when rearranging or cancelling appointments at the practice and 7 days notice for Implantologist appointments. 24 hours notice is also required for Facial Aesthetic and Invisalign Appointments. We plan every appointment to meet the individual needs of our patients, so charges will vary according to diary time booked. £20 per ten minutes will be charged for appointments not cancelled within our short notice period.

How to cancel or change your appointment

If you cannot make your appointment, please just give us a call or send us an email, as soon as you can. This helps to offer greater diary flexibility when rearranging your appointment and can offer other patients an opportunity to be seen earlier.


Tel: 01822 612828 

If we’re closed, you can leave a message. 

If you completely forget or fail to attend, unfortunately, the missed appointment will be chargeable. 

Thank you for your understanding