
Let us overcome your dental anxiety by making treatments more comfortable with sedation.

At Dartmoor Dental, we’re dedicated to making your visit as comfortable as possible. That’s why we offer sedation tailored to ease any nervousness or anxiety you might have about dental appointments.

The sedation techniques we use at our practice in Tavistock help create a relaxing, comfortable state, allowing you to feel at ease throughout your visit. Our skilled team ensures your comfort and care every step of the way.

We've seen first hand how sedation has helped patients overcome their fears. Our trained practitioners have worked with a lot of very anxious patients, and are experts in the Intravenous Sedation treatment option we offer that will help you feel relaxed throughout your procedure.

Your comfort matters to us, and we're here to make sure your dental experience is stress-free and tailored to your needs.

  • Intravenous (IV) sedation

    Intravenous (IV) sedation is a type of anesthesia given through a tube placed in a vein. It brings you to a relaxed state of semi-consciousness, minimising the feeling of pain, & helping you relax.

  • Drowsy & relaxed

    Under IV sedation, you won't fall asleep. Instead, you'll feel drowsy and relaxed, able to communicate with your dentist. Time may pass quickly, and afterward, most people remember very little of the treatment. You'll receive local anesthesia in your mouth only after you're sedated.

  • Yes if you are 18+

    Sedation works well for most patients who are in good overal health. It can be life changing for those feeling nervous about seeing the dentist or a specific treatment, helping many conquer their fears. It is also our go-to for anxious patients needing longer or more complex procedures, like root canal.

  • 24 hour aftercare advice

    After your treatment you will feel relaxed and still a bit drowsy like you have woken from a nap. You may still feel drowsy up to 24 hours after the treatment., so it is important a family member or friend accompanies you home, and you don’t drink any alcohol during this time.

If you are in any way anxious about visiting your dentist & having treatments we would recommend trialling sedation so you can have the preventative oral care you need, without stress or nervousness. Click below to book your consultation.